A Brighter Smile Leads to Career Success

Studies reveal that a better smile can be a contributing factor to success in your career.  Interacting with colleagues and clients on a day-to-day basis, your appearance greatly influences the way people around you perceive and interact with you.  Say for instance,...

Dental Veneers: Whitening Teeth for a Winning Smile

In existence for over 30 years, dental veneers are still not commonly understood or utilized by many dental patients in Langley. While most people have heard of whitening teeth with bleach treatments, they are not aware that they are being exposed to the bleaching...

Smile Correction 101: Fixing a “Gummy Smile”

Cosmetic Dentistry has become increasingly more accepted for patients thanks to popular reality shows that focus on dramatic smile makeovers. Dental patients in Langley are beginning to understand how easy it is to create their ideal smile with the available cosmetic...

Ready to Climb the Ladder? Come See Us First!

The Academy of General Dentistry has confirmed that historically, on average men are less likely to visit the dentist than women. Studies further revealed that men have been either afraid to go and embarrassed about it, or they just don’t have the time for it....